Monday, 16 May 2011

A pair of scarves

This afternoon I came back into the exhibition to collect some clothes for distributing, for the first time since last Weds. Just as I arrived I heard two girls talking about my project, so I jumped in and asked them if they'd both like to choose something from my stock upstairs.

In a way I was cheating, the whole point is a kind of anonymous encounter with an object, but then again these are slightly different circumstances. I was saying to someone the other day that carrying out the project from the base point of the Woolgather exhibition is a bit like lab conditions...for example when I leave something in the show itself I can come back and ask John or Annie or Chris what kind of reaction there was. It was interesting to step in myself and have direct contact in the handover process for once.

Here are the two lovely girls with their scarves.

This is Kirsty

And this is Vicky.

(I wanted to make sure I got their names right for the blog, so in fail safe tradition I wrote on my hand)

So I asked the girls to take photos of the scarves in whatever their new context might be. One slight issue, I gave them the blog address but not my email address, so Kirsty and Vicky if you see this, my email address is, get in touch!


I'm off out into the windy afternoon now to drop some clothes in the traditional way.

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