Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Phase One: Ymuno Festival

Last weekend I left six bags for strangers to find at the Ymuno Festival in Wales.

I played it a little bit safe by choosing this first location... assuming that festival goers are music loving arty types and therefore more likely to respond...

Here are the gifts I gave...

...A blue leather handbag with long thin strap, last seen late Friday night, amongst a pile of bean bags and rugs in the big Teepee...

...a brown leather box bag with chain handle, last seen late on Friday night on the handle of a spade. By morning it was nowhere to be seen...

...a white 1980s leather handbag with long strap, last seen blowing about with the bunting
on fencing outside the girl's toilets...

...a pretty little beaded bag with chain handle. I left this (semi-camouflaged) on the floor of the TeePee on sunny Saturday afternoon. One of my spies witnessed it being found by a little girl, and later being carried into the camping area by a young couple...

...a navy blue handbag with metal fastening and long strap, last seen on the door handle of this shop advertising quirky wedding-wear...

...a big canvas clutch bag with detachable strap, last seen sitting on a wall by the barn, early evening on Saturday. I walked past again ten minutes later and the bag had already vanished...

...finally, this black patent handbag with metal detail on the front, last seen late late late on Saturday night, resting against a pillar in the teepee...

...So now I wait to hear from those that found. Allowing for the shaking off of festival hangovers and back-to-work syndrome, I'm still hopeful for at least one response. Do me proud Ymuno!


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